The Daily Lift – Sunday 7/9/17
Circuit 1:
3 Sets; Rest as needed
Single Arm Prone Y x12E
Supine Hip Circles x15E
Side Plank x:30 Sec E
Diagonal Half Sit Up x10E
Circuit 2:
3 Sets; Rest as needed
Plank Taps x15E
Stability Ball Walkout x8
Stability Ball Leg Curl x10
Bike Sprint x :60 Sec
*The Daily Lift is a general fitness program that is designed to increase power, strength, and cardiovascular fitness, but not every exercise is appropriate for everyone. If you do not know the proper form for an exercise or do not think that you should be doing an exercise you should seek professional advice to avoid risking injury. Always be sure to consult a physician before starting any exercise program.