The Road Back
The road back from an injury is often long and filled with a lot of ups and downs. There are weeks that we feel like we’re on the right track and will be better than before. Along with those weeks, there are also some where we feel as if we’ll never be back to doing what we love. Weeks can be unpredictable at times and it’s both mentally and physically draining. In those dark and hard times our mental toughness will be tested and we need the right mentality. That right mentality includes truly knowing our “Why” and being strong enough to persevere through the challenging times.
We all have wants and there are all sorts of reasons why we have those wants. Those reasons can vary from person to person and this same principle can be applied to the realm of coming back from an injury or trying to get rid of pain that has been lingering for way too long. Whether you’re a high school athlete trying to comeback from an ACL tear for her last season, or a grandparent trying to relieve back pain so you can play with your grandchildren, your reason for taking the tough road of recovery is valid.
Our reasons, or “why,” should be thought of when we’re faced with challenges or complications that often occur when we’re trying to improve and get better. At the end of the day, those are the reasons why we don’t just stop and give up. Those are the reasons that fuel us and keeps us showing up to our trainers or therapists to do exercises, stretches, and everything in between to improve. Those are the reasons that give our lives more meaning and bring us joy. We can never forget our why, especially in the times where we’re struggling and facing obstacles.
Perseverance is needed when training to relieve pain or coming back from a serious injury. It’s tough if we never see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe in time we will be back to normal and hopefully better than we were before. It can be difficult not to think that we’ll be better off giving up if we’re having a bad day or bad week but we need to think positively and believe we’re heading in the right direction. Yes, strength coaches, physical therapists, and anyone else helping us on our journey back want the very best for us but it is ultimately our very own attitude that matters the most.
I like to remind the clients and athletes I work with that are going through an injury or dealing with pain that the fact they’re taking a step toward getting better is powerful. Some people will get hurt and just accept it and live their lives around their pain. It can be an uphill battle but it takes true character to even take the first step in the right direction. I applaud anyone that has gone through some sort of recovery because of their persistence. I know there were times when it was easier to give up then to keep going. I know there were times where it seemed like everything wasn’t going to plan and it was hard to stay on track. The fact that they did should be respected and will give them a spot to pull strength from whenever they face other difficulties in life.
Brandon Brelsford is one of the trainers at Olympia Fitness and Performance. He graduated from Rhode Island College with a B.S. in Community Health and Wellness with a concentration in Wellness and Movement Studies. After graduating, Brandon obtained his CSCS (certified strength and conditioning specialist) from the NSCA. Brandon enjoys helping his clients realize what they’re truly capable of and enjoys seeing their growth in and out of the gym.