The Daily Lift – Sunday 7/30/17
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven’t done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you’re there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you’re not familiar with!
Circuit 1
5 Sets; Rest as Needed
Sumo Deadlift x10/8/8/6/6
Barbell Bench Press x10/8/8/6/6
Stability Ball Deadbug x10E
Circuit 2
3 Sets; Rest as Needed
Side Lying Band Hip Abduction x15E
Hollow Hold x:30 Seconds
Band External Rotations x20E
*The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to seek out more guidance with your workouts check out our online training app!
**Not every exercise is appropriate for everyone. If you do not know the proper form for an exercise or do not think that you should be doing an exercise you should seek professional advice to avoid risking injury. Always be sure to consult a physician before starting any exercise program.