OlympiaFitness | Olympia Fitness + Performance - Part 27
Olympia Fitness RI

Olympia Fitness + Performance is a state of the art training facility in Cranston RI that employs a highly qualified staff of Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS) and Certified Personal Trainers. We have worked with athletes and professionals of all ability levels and walks of life, and will do whatever it takes to help you achieve your goals. So what are you waiting for? Regardless of your current level of fitness, the time to start is now!

(401) 467-6701
Mon - Fri 6AM - 8PM
Saturday 8AM - 12PM | Sunday CLOSED
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(401) 467-6701

Author: OlympiaFitness

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Thursday 11/30 Sets Exercise Reps x4 SetsRest as Needed Deadlift x8 SB Plank Circles x20 E x4 SetsRest as Needed Inverted Row xAMRAP SB Cable Rotations x15 E x4 SetsRest as Needed Single Arm DBSquat and Press x8 E Bicycles x25 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Tuesday 11/28 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsRest as Needed Barbell Lateral Step Ups x8 E Chin Ups xAMRAP x3 SetsRest as Needed Single Leg Contralateral DB RDL x10 E DB Pushup Row x6 E x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible SB Plank x:30 Sec Side Plank x:30 Sec E Single Leg Bridge x:15 Sec E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance.

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Monday 11/27 Sets Exercise Reps x4 SetsRest as Needed DB Alternating Step Ups x10 E Incline DB Bench Press x8 SB Deadbug x10 E x3 SetsRest as Needed Single Arm Cable Row x10 E Single Leg BB RDL x8 E SB Hypers x15 *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Sunday 11/26 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Y, T, W x12 E Supine Hip Circles x15 E Paloff Press x15 E x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible SB Bird Dogs x12 E Knee Hug Elevated Hip Extensions x10 E 1/2 Kneeling Diagonal Cable Lift x12 E x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Side Lying Band Hip Abduction x15 E Deadbugs x10

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Saturday 11/25 Sets Exercise Reps x3Rest as Needed Single Leg Squat to Knee x8E Landmine Rotations x12E Single Arm Dumbbell Row x10E/8E/6E x3Rest as Needed SB Leg Curls x12 Dumbbell Shrugs x12 SB Bird Dogs x15E x3Rest as Needed Deep Squat Lateral Band Walks x10 Yards E Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise x15 Alternating V-Ups x12E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like

Check out this great article in the Cranston Herald about some of the services that we offer and the incredible clients that we have! The focus of this article is on the work that we do to help people pass the RI PPA, a physical assessment that anyone who want to be a firefighter must pass. The article also touches on our work with the Cranston East Football team as well as one of our most inspiring clients. Clink the link below to read the article! Cranston gym trains aspiring firefighters

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Tuesday 11/21 Sets Exercise Reps x3Rest as Needed Barbell RDL x12/10/8 Inverted Rows x12 x3Rest as Needed Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge x8E Dumbbell Alternating Incline Bench Press x8E x3As Little Rest as Possible Slideboard Abs x12E Superman Hold x:30 Seconds Paloff Press x15E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Sunday 11/19 Sets Exercise Reps x4 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Shuttle Run 25 Yards x4 Single Leg Glute Bridge x:20 Seconds E 15 Foot Shuttle x:60 Seconds Bicycles x30E Run x400 Yards Straight Leg Situps x15 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to seek

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Monday 10/2 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsRest as Needed Hex Bar Deadlift x10 Inverted Rows x12 Hollow Hold x:30 Seconds x4 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Fwd/Rev Bear Crawls x10 Yards E Alternating Pulldowns x20 E Lateral Band Walks x 10 Yards E SB Plank Circles x20 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more

All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Monday 11/20 Sets Exercise Reps x5 SetsRest as Needed Box Jumps x8 DB Farmer Carry x50 Yards Single Leg Glute Bridge x:20 Seconds E x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Super Legs:All exercises done as quickly as possible with no rest between Squats x20Lunges x20 (10 E)Step Ups x20 (10 E)Jump Squats x10 Pushups xAMRAP Alternating V-Ups x12 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program