The Daily Lift – Thursday 6/7/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #7 Sets Exercise Reps x4 SetsRest as Needed Sumo Deadlift x8/8/6/6 DB Incline Bench Press x6 Side Plank x:30-45 Seconds E x4 SetsRest as Needed DB Farmer Carry x50 Yards BB Elevated Hip Extension x8 SB Exchange x10 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to
The Daily Lift – Tuesday 6/30/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #30 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Medicine Ball Side Toss x8E Single Leg Contralateral Dumbbell RDL x10E Stability Ball Plank Circles x15E Knee Hug Elevated Hip Extensions x10E Dumbbell Curl/Press/Upright Row x8 Band Monster Walks x10 Yards E Contralateral Supermans x15E Single Arm Cable Pulldowns x10E *The Daily Lift
The Daily Lift – Wednesday 6/6/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #29 Sets Exercise Reps x3Rest as Needed Super Legs:All exercises done as quickly as possible with no rest between Squats x20Lunges x20 (10E)Step Ups x20 (10E)Jump Squats x10 Dumbbell Pushup Row x12 (6E) x3As Little Rest as Possible Barbell Curls x10 Ski Jumpers x12 x3As Little Rest as Possible Plank Body Saw x12 V-Sit Overhead MB Circles x10E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to
The Daily Lift – Monday 6/4/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #4 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsRest as Needed Hex Bar Deadlift x10 Inverted Rows x12 Hollow Hold x:30 Seconds x4 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Fwd/Rev Bear Crawls x10 Yards E Alternating Pulldowns x20 E Lateral Band Walks x 10 Yards E SB Plank Circles x20 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more
The Daily Lift – Sunday 6/3/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #14 Sets Exercise Reps x5 SetsRest as Needed DB Snatch x4 E Sliding Plank x12 x3 SetsRest as Needed Sumo Deadlift x8 MB Walkover Pushups xAMRAP x3 SetsRest as Needed Goblet Crossover Step Up x12 E Inverted Rows xAMRAP x3 SetsRest as Needed Alternating V-Ups x12 E Side Plank Rotations x15 E *The Daily Lift
The Daily Lift – Saturday 6/2/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #8 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Sprint x100 Yards SB Walkout x8 Bike Sprint x:60 Seconds MB V-Twist x20 E x4 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Rope Slams x30 High Knee Jump Rope x50 x4 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Y, T, W x12 E Alternating V-Ups x15 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would
The Daily Lift – Friday 6/1/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #19 Sets Exercise Reps x4Rest as Needed Dumbbell Jump Squats x8 Medicine Ball Slam x8 x4Rest as Needed Dumbbell Lunge to Step Up x6E Alternating Dumbbell Rows x10E x4Rest as Needed Goblet Lateral Lunge x8E Dumbbell Pushup Row x6E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power,
The Daily Lift – Wednesday 5/30/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #17 Sets Exercise Reps x3Rest as Needed Overhead Barbell Alternating Lunges x8E Stability Ball Plank x:45 Sec E x3Rest as Needed Single Arm Dumbbell Rows x6E Knee Hug Elevated Hip Extensions x12E x4As Little Rest as Possible Barbell Curls x12 Cable Rope Pressdowns x12 Sprint x100 Yards *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized
The Daily Lift – Monday 5/28/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #33 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Jump Rope x150 Plank x:60 Sec x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Sprint x100 Yards SB Plank to Pushup x6E x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Battle Rope Speed Slams x35E Leg Raises x12 *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program