The Daily Lift – Saturday 6/23/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #40 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsRest as Needed BB Bulgarian Squats x8 E Alternating DB Rows x12 E x3 SetsRest as Needed Slide Leg Curl x10 BB Curl/Press/Upright Row x8 x3 SetsNo Rest Glute Bridge x:30 Sec Plank x:30 Sec Side Plank x:30 Sec E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or
The Daily Lift – Friday 6/22/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #44 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible MB V-Twist x15 E Contralateral Superman Hold x:20 Seconds E Side Plank Cable Row x20 E SB Pushups x12 Single Leg Squat to Knee x6 E DB Curl and Press x10 Run x1/2 Mile *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program
The Daily Lift – Thursday 6/21/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #34 Sets Exercise Reps x5 SetsRest as Needed Barbell Deadlift x10/10/8/8/5 Barbell Bench Press x8/8/8/6/6 x5 SetsRest as Needed Barbell Overhead Squats x8 Chin Ups xAMRAP *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to seek out more guidance with your workouts check out
The Daily Lift – Tuesday 6/19/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #28 Sets Exercise Reps x3Rest as Needed Barbell RDL x12/10/8 Inverted Rows x12 x3Rest as Needed Dumbbell Alternating Reverse Lunge x8E Dumbbell Alternating Incline Bench Press x8E x3As Little Rest as Possible Slideboard Abs x12E Superman Hold x:30 Seconds Paloff Press x15E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to
The Daily Lift – Thursday 6/14/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out the one below on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #22 Sets Exercise Reps x3Rest as Needed Dumbbell Bulgarian Squats x8E Standing Barbell Shoulder Press x10/8/6 Stability Ball Deadbugs x10E x3Rest as Needed Single Leg RDL x12E Inverted Rows x10 Single Arm Planks x:15 Sec E x3Rest as Needed Lateral Band Walks x10 Yds E 3-Way Band Separations x12E Diagonal 1/2 Situps x15E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like
The Daily Lift – Wednesday 6/13/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #43 Sets Exercise Reps x5 SetsRest as Needed Box Jumps x8 DB Farmer Carry x50 Yards Single Leg Glute Bridge x:20 Seconds E x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Super Legs:All exercises done as quickly as possible with no rest between Squats x20Lunges x20 (10 E)Step Ups x20 (10 E)Jump Squats x10 Pushups xAMRAP Alternating V-Ups x12 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program
The Daily Lift – Tuesday 6/12/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #18 Sets Exercise Reps x5Rest as Needed RDL x12/10/10/8/8 Pull-Ups xAMRAP Alternating V-Ups x15E x5Rest as Needed KB Swings x20 DB Bent Lateral Raise x15 Superman Hold x:30 Sec *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to seek out more guidance with your workouts check out our
The Daily Lift – Monday 6/11/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #9 Sets Exercise Reps x4 SetsRest as Needed Overhead Squat x10/10/8/8 SB Plank Circles x20 E x3 SetsRest as Needed BB Bench Press x12/10/8 Glute Bridge w/March x10 E x3 SetsRest as Needed DB Squat and Press x12 Superman Hold x:30 Seconds x3 SetsRest as Needed Inverted Row x15 Single Leg Paloff Press x8 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you
The Daily Lift – Saturday 6/9/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #42 Sets Exercise Reps x3 SetsRest as Needed Overhead Squat x8 Alternate Grip Pullups x6 E x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible Sprint x100 Yards Burpees x8 x3 SetsAs Little Rest as Possible SB Y, T, L x10 E Superman Hold x:30 Sec SB Deadbugs x10 E Side Lying Hip Abduction x15 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would
The Daily Lift – Thursday 6/7/18
All workouts should be preceded by a proper dynamic warmup. If you haven't done a dynamic warmup before check out this one on our youtube channel! While you're there check out our instructional videos on any exercises that you're not familiar with! Workout #7 Sets Exercise Reps x4 SetsRest as Needed Sumo Deadlift x8/8/6/6 DB Incline Bench Press x6 Side Plank x:30-45 Seconds E x4 SetsRest as Needed DB Farmer Carry x50 Yards BB Elevated Hip Extension x8 SB Exchange x10 E *The Daily Lift is a general fitness program to help increase strength, power, and endurance. If you would like a more personalized program or would like to