The pull-up is a challenging but beneficial vertical pulling exercise. Many people fall into the bad habit of trying to get as many done as they can without reaping the full benefits of the exercise because they allow their form to suffer. For a correct pull-up follow these tips: -Start just short of a dead hang, with the arms fully straight but not letting the shoulders shrug up toward the ears -Keep your core tight and avoid swinging as you pull up -Stick your chest out toward the bar and
1/2 Kneeling Landmine Press
The 1/2 Kneeling Landmine Press is an ideal alternative to overhead pressing, especially for anyone who struggles with maintaining neutral spinal posture. When done correctly it promotes good upward rotation of the scapula and lumbopelvic/anterior core control. To perform the Landmine Press correctly keep these cues in mind: -Squeeze your abs and the glute on the pressing side to stabilize the hips and lumbar spine -Start with some space between the elbow and the side, then press the bar up in a "Half U" pattern -Keep a neutral "double chin"
3-Position Dumbbell Shoulder Raise
If you want to increase muscle size, you need to increase your training volume. There are many ways to do that for your shoulders, but I particularly like this one because when it's done correctly it not only helps with the gainz, but it does so without putting excessive strain on the rotator cuff and labrum and actually helps to stabilize the shoulders