Strength Training Isn’t Just for Physical Prowess
As many of our summer athletes head back to school, whether that be middle/high school, prep school, college, etc, it's good for us to take a step back and review our own performances as strength coaches. Did our athletes' testing numbers get better? Was our programming adequate? Was it appropriate? What could we have done better? It gives us an idea of what areas we as coaches need to improve upon, because there are always improvements to be made, and it also gives us something physical to hand our
Battling the Early Deterioration of The Single Sport Athlete
In my last blog post I got into the topic of early sport specialization and the detrimental effect that it has on the development of young athletes. As the post made it's way around the internet people either agreed with the idea or thought that it was a ludicrous concept and that kids needed to spend as much time as possible practicing their respective sport. The latter, oddly enough, generally seemed to be people who stood to make a profit off of training the kids for a specific sport. Shortly after